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Big Dig day 13-11.jpg

Who are Liss Archaeology?

We are the community archaeology group for East Hampshire, with 130 volunteer amateur members who have been trained by and work under the supervision of qualified archaeologists. Our name comes from our first project – the excavation of the Roman villa near West Liss. Nowadays we have projects all over East Hampshire.



The project will take place between 13-28 July 2024.


Test Pits

The test pits that will be dug by Liss Archaeology (LA) will be 1 metre square and should be dug and refilled in one or two days. The digging of each pit will continue until one of the following occurs:

  • The ‘natural’ geology is reached (e.g. stone, clay, chalk);

  • An archaeological feature (e.g. a buried wall) is reached such that further digging is not possible;

  • A buried cable, pipe etc. is discovered;

  • The pit reaches a depth of 1m;

  • The available time expires and the pit cannot be left open for a later date.

Where a pit is left open overnight this will be with the agreement of the residents, otherwise they will be refilled.

Test pit locations will be agreed between LA and the residents. Sufficient space around the pit will be required for people to work, and space for the dug material will be required. The latter will be collected on tarpaulins (c. 2m x 3m) which will be pegged or weighted down.

Please consider any buried cables or pipes when identifying possible test pit locations.


Residents’ Participation

Residents’ participation is encouraged but not necessary. This participation may involve digging, sieving to locate finds or washing finds. To protect any archaeology or finds, residents involved in digging must follow the instructions of LA members at all times. Any of the activities may involve contact with sharp objects such as broken pottery or glass; residents may wish to wear gardening gloves or similar.

It is hoped to wash all finds on site, subject to having sufficient people (LA members or residents) to do this. This is also subject to having access to a supply of water.

Provision of access to a toilet for the use of LA members would be appreciated.



All finds will remain the property of the landowner. LA may ask to retain the finds for a period of time for analysis and photography, after which they will be returned to the landowner if requested.



All LA members participating in the dig are covered by LA insurance. Residents participating in the dig will be covered by the British Festival of Archaeology liability insurance.

Contact Details

Ann Brooks, Project Manager            Tel: 01730-266017 or

Keith Baker, Chairman                        Tel: 01420-82416


Information for residents

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